The NET project “New Eolic Tools” develops a complete range of efficient tools that improve the supply chain for wind components (Onshore and Offshore), and aims to reduce the costs of logistics projects related to the wind industry through the standardization of the operations.
Kaleido, Ideas & Logistics that is currently participating also in the European project LEANWIND for the reduction of costs associated with wind projects, provides the necessary knowledge on logistics operations and development of tools.
The project “Development of new products range of handling and transport of wind turbine components (Offshore and Onshore). Net Project (New Eolic tools)” is supported by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Framework Programm FEDER Galicia 2007-2013, with a budget of 347.080 €, of which 71.643,76€ were aimed to Vasco Gallega Sociedad de Cartera and 88.738,37€ to Kaleido Logistics.
Dirección General de Política Regional (Comisión Europea)
Dirección General de Fondos Comunitarios (Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda)